GS4S seeks to better understand global skills shortages in the Digital, Care, and Construction sectors, and to foster skills development through innovative analyses. The project proposes multi-level evidence-based policies on labour migration governance and alternative ways to address these shortages in six regions: EU, EEA, Western Balkans, Middle East and North Africa, West Africa, and South/South-East Asia.

Offering valuable insights on employer perspectives regarding up/reskilling and labour shortages, as well as on mgrant perspectives on skilling, towards creating a global strategy for skills, migration, and development.

Download the GS4S flyer here.



Academia, the Private Sector and Civil Society come together to propose alternate strategies to migration that address skills shortages, promote skills/upskilling/re-skilling and explore opportunities to prepare workers for engagement in the project’s three focus sectors.


The GS4S Policy Lab supports working papers, policy briefs, roundtables and workshops based on mapping and science-based analysis of the issues to inspire policymakers, helping them to take action towards creating a more inclusive and sustainable approach to skills development, migration, and investments.


Policymaker decision-making tools explore potential policy responses to shortages in priority sectors to better understand opportunities for action and potential constraints, while digital tools are developed for identifying shortages and skills waste in the EU.

GS4S Partners

Led by Radboud University (The Netherlands), the GS4S consortium consists of 14 partners:


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