31 December 2024
The winter issue of the GS4S quarterly newsletter is now available. Completing our first year of operations, this Horizon Europe project has made significant strides in fostering dialogue and contributing to informed policymaking around critical issues in migration and skills shortages within the EU and beyond. Since our last newsletter, presentations have been made before the European Parliament as well as the Dutch Parliament; we have hosted a thought-provoking webinar examining the migration corridor between Bangladesh and Italy to shed light on its complexities and opportunities, and our podcast series has been launched. Looking ahead, we are excited to announce that work is underway on more working papers, surveys, Business and Cross-National Comparative Databases, and decision-making tools designed to provide actionable recommendations to policymakers, which will be released in the coming months. Stay tuned for updates as we continue to drive impactful research and engagement around our focused themes!
Read the full newsletter here.