Prof. Tesseltje de Lange

Director at Centre for Migration Law, R.U.
GS4S Principal Investigator

Dr. P.J. Beckers

Research Director at R.U. Network on Migrant Inclusion

Dr. Colleen Boland

Postdoctoral Researcher, Centre for Migration Law, R.U.

Dr. Ayse Saka-Helmhout

Chair, Comparative Management
Professor of Strategy, R.U.

Ksenija Ivanović, M.A. 

Project Manager,
Junior Researcher for GS4S

Dr. Sandra Lavenex

Professor of European and International Relations

Dr. Mariana Alvarado

Senior Researcher in
Comparative Politics

Dr. Elisa Fornalé

Principal Investigator, University of Bern, WTI

Dr. Frowin Rausis

Post-Doctoral Fellow

Elisa Nanchen

University of Geneva

Dr. Ferruccio Pastore

Director of FIERI

Sara Korbi, M.A.

Research Fellow, FIERI

Prof. Tommaso Frattini

Migration Research Coordinator, Ld’A

Sofia Giorgino

Reseracher, Ld’A

Dr. Arjan Heyma

Deputy Director and
Head of Labour and
Education Practice, SEO

Dr. Daniël Speldekamp

Assistant Professor, Innovation and
Strategy at University of Groningen
FEBRI Fellow, SOM Research Institute

Dr. Friedrich Poeschel

Senior Research Fellow, EUI

Prof. Martin Ruhs

Deputy Director, EUI

Urmi Jahan Tanni, M.Sc.

Research Manager, OKUP

Shakirul Islam

Founder and Chairperson,

Nithora Mehrab

Research Officer, OKUP

Dina Abdel Fattah

Assistant Professor and Chair,
Department of Economics, AUC

Jessica Micheal Botros

Senior Researcher,

Nada Gaber

Junior Researcher,

Jasmijn Slootjes

Associate Director,
MPI Europe

Kate Hooper

Senior Policy Analyst,
MPI Europe

María Belén Zanzuchi

Policy Analyst,
MPI Europe


RU’s Centre for Migration Law is focused on issues surrounding migration and minority protection aimed at integrating the results of legal and empirical research through consultancy, seminars, conference organization and publishing


Non-partisan think tank that seeks to improve immigration and integration policies through authoritative research and analysis, opportunities for learning and dialogue, and the development of new ideas to address complex policy questions


International research university that contributes to the cultural and scientific development of Europe through teaching and interdisciplinary research on salient societal challenges and robust intellectual discourse and debate


Research center focused on macroeconomic developments and structural change, international economics, labour markets and social issues, as well as on selected issues related to sectoral and regional economic developments


Tech and startup ecosystem supporting innovation and experimentation


NGO engaged in the study of the social and economic transformations caused by growing levels of international mobility and cultural diversity


Private English-language research university


Tech and startup ecosystem supporting innovation and experimentation


Social innovation RTO with a
focus on the Future of Work


Research university with a global outlook, currently in the top 100
on several influential ranking lists


Community-based migrant organization promoting migration through legal pathways as well as fair and ethical recruitment


Non profit research institution in the field of international and development economics aimed at promoting and carrying out research programmes covering issues like foreign investments and diffusion of technologies, international trade and trade policy, migration and labour markets


One of the 23 member universities of
the League of European Research
Universities (LERU). Founded in 1559,
the University of Geneva is ranked
in the top 100 universities in the world.
It encourages interdisciplinarity through
its nine facilities and 13 interdisciplinary


A global affairs think tank on
international development and
humanitarian issue

GS4S Scientific

Advisory Board

Dr. Ibrahim Awad

Dr. Awad is professor of Practice in Global Affairs and Director for Migration and Refugee Studies at the School of Global Affairs and Public Policy, the American University in Cairo. His areas of expertise include International migration, employment, human and labour rights, development, global governance and political transitions in the Middle East and North Africa.                                                                                                                                                                                                   

Thessa Bagu

Thessa Bagu is the Managing Director and owner of Commercium Africa. She is a seasoned consultant and entrepreneur with a focus on trade facilitation and promoting business expansion in key African markets. Holding an MSc in International Economic Studies, her concluding thesis is centered on utilizing immigration as a strategic solution to tackle labor market shortages arising from an aging population. She has been residing in Nigeria for more than 17 years.                        

Dr. Aradhna Aggarwal

Dr. Aggarwal is a professor in the Department of International Economics, Government and Business at the Copenhagen Business School. Her field of expertise includes applied economics with specialisation in international trade and business related issues. Dr. Aggarwal’s research focuses on the interface between globalisation, trade, FDI and economic development in emerging markets, in particular Asia.                                                                                                                      

Aurora Marsye

Aurora Marsye is co-founder of Lumina, Indonesia with over 14 years’ experience in technology and product management. She holds a BSc in computer science and an MSc in natural language processing and human language technology, as well as an MBA.  She is currently working in the HR space, particularly in recruitment and upskilling in Indonesia.

Dr. Mariella Falkenhain

Dr. Falkenhain is Deputy Director of the Research Department Joblessness and Social Inclusion at the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) in Nuremberg, Germany. Her research focuses on labour market and social integration of refugees and labour migrants in Germany. She regularly advises the German government and provides media publications in addition to academic works.                                                                                                                                                                       

Peter Bosch

Peter Bosch is Senior Associate Fellow at Egmont, the Royal Institute for International Relations, Belgium. His areas of interest include migration, labour migrants and demography. He has been an official of the European Commission for over 25 years, including as a Member of Cabinet.                                                                       

Jennifer Tangney

Jennifer Tangney is a Senior Project Manager for the Migration Partnership Facility, ICMPD. She is a seasoned development sector professional with experience in the fields of donor, civil society and governance. As a Senior Project Manager, Jennifer leads the Migration Partnership Facility, a €150M programme of support to the external dimension of the EU’s migration policy.                                     

Rimma Abadjan

Rimma Abadjan is a programme specialist in labour mobility with the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Jo Antoons

Jo Antoons is an attorney and managing partner at Fragomen Global LLP’s Belgium branch in Brussels. She is responsible for managing corporate immigration compliance and advisory work for Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg. In this role, she supports multinational and medium-sized corporations and individuals with effective and efficient immigration solutions for both inbound and outbound moves.                                                                                                                         

Ciprian Panzaru

Ciprian Panzaru is a member of the European Network on Regional Labor Market Monitoring. He is a professor at the University of Timisoara in Romania. Professor Panzaru is a very respected member of the Scientific Committee of the European Network on Regional Labour Market Monitoring.                                               

Dr. Izabela Grabowska

Dr. Grabowska is a full professor at the Kozminski University’s Department of Economics. She is the PI of Link4Skills, a GS4S sister project. Dr. Grabowska is a sociologist  and economist, holding the title of Full Professor of Social Sciences. In 2021, Dr. Grabowska joined the Department of Economics at Kozminski University, where she founded the CRASH Center for Research on Social Change and Human Mobility and serves as its director. She currently contributes to the European  Labour Agency and the European Employment Services (EURES).

Dr. Vidmantas Tūtlys

Dr. Vidmantas Tūtlys is a professor at the Academy of Education, Vytautas Magnus University. He is the PI of Skills4Justice, a GS4S sister project. Dr. Tūtlys holds the title of Professor at the Vytautas Magnus University in Lithuania and has earned his PhD in Social Sciences (Education). He is a member of the European Research Network Vocational Education and Training (VETNET) and has also taken part in the National Bologna Expert Group.

Gender and Equality Board

within SAB

Margaret Walton-Roberts

Margartet Walton-Roberts is a professor in the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies at Wilfrid Laurier University. She has extensive experience and has conducted research focusing on gender and migration, transnational networks, and immigrant settlement. Professor Walton-Roberts’s work on gender and the international migration of health care professionals, international student migration, and her recent book on global care chains informs the GS4S proposal.     

Dr. Felicitas Hillmann

Dr. Hillmann is a professor at the Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space (IRS) at the Technical University of Berlin’s Institute of Urban and Regional Planning. Her research focuses on the impact of environmental change on migration. She is a renowned researcher currently on the Paradigm Project and “Global pathways for nurses” on care migration as part of global governance.                                                                                                                                                                

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