The Effectiveness of Human Rights in a Multilevel Legal Order

Radboud University presents its third CMR Podcast in which assistant professors of Sociology of Law and Migration Law Karen Geertsema and Ricky van Oers have a conversation with Professor of Human Rights Jasper Krommendijk. They discuss the topic of his recent oration ‘The effectiveness of human rights in a multilevel legal order under threat?’

Human rights and the rule of law have been under pressure in recent years. On the one hand, human rights courts and monitoring bodies are increasingly challenged by populist politicians. On the other hand, there is also criticism from academic quarters: they would, for instance, fail to address socio-economic inequality and reason too much top-down. Reason for concern? Yes. Reason for pessimism? No. This is the main thrust of Krommendijk’s inaugural lecture.

Download the episode here.