Dina Abdel Fattah and Tesseltje de Lange presented a GS4S paper at the annual UACES conference in the University of Trento on circular migration and care worker mobility from Egypt to Germany and Indonesia to the Netherlands. They stressed the importance of inclusive governance structures and good re-integration programs for returning nurses. Their panel on Talent Partnerships for Care Workers was hosted by the UACES Health & EU Group run by Charlotte Godziewski. GS4S Scientific Advisory Board member Felicitas Hillmann joined the panel, as did Annette Schrauwen, both speaking on Talent Partnerships either at the national – the German and Indonesian Triple Win – and the EU level, considering the EU Talent Partnerships and EU Talent Pool. The panel was complemented by Carlos D. Bravo Laguna, who spoke on crisis management in health care. We had the honor of having Ida Musialkowska as Chair and Discussant, adding to the interdisciplinarity of our panel. Thanks also to Colleen Boland, Anita Böcker, Wiwandari Handayani, and Ischel Perez-Duran for their contributions to the paper.
The shortage of health care workers might be one of the biggest challenges of the EU and the EU Member States in the years to come. The GS4S research team aims to contribute to addressing that challenge with innovative research. More to come!
Access the summary here (PDF).
Dina Abdel Fattah and Tesseltje de Lange speaking at UACES.
Dina Abdel Fattah speaking to the UACES panel.