“Circular” Migration Partnerships

“Circular” Migration Partnerships

Dina Abdel Fattah and Tesseltje de Lange presented a GS4S paper at the annual UACES conference in the University of Trento on circular migration and care worker mobility from Egypt to Germany and Indonesia to the Netherlands. They stressed the importance of inclusive...
Committee on Development

Committee on Development

Professor Tesseltje de Lange discusses initial findings on study of legal migration pathways to the EU and the project’s policy coherence for...
CEDEFOP – “Handling Change with Care”

CEDEFOP – “Handling Change with Care”

CEDEFOP’s policy brief, “Handling Change with Care”, reviewed during @EARLALL webinar focusing on the skills challenges and opportunities in the #EUCareSector. Gathering more than 30 participants from regional and local authorities, EU and...
Radboud University Presentation

Radboud University Presentation

NIJMEGEN   Radboud University Centre for Migration Law hosted a presentation by Tesseltje de Lange, Ksenija Ivanović and Colleen Boland on how the GS4S project seeks to better understand global skills shortages, developing innovative labour migration governance...