In a presentation before the European Parliament’s Committee on Development (DEVE) on December 4th, GS4S Co-Principal Investigator Prof. Tesseltje de Lange shared key insights from her analysis of the Policy Coherence for Development (PCD) assessment of legislative and non-legislative instruments regulating labor, skills mobility, and migration between the EU and third countries. At the heart of this assessment are the EU Talent Partnerships, announced by the European Commission as a flagship initiative within the new Pact on Migration and Asylum. According to the Commission, EU Talent Partnerships aim to:
- enhance legal migration pathways to the EU,
- strategically engage partner countries on migration management, and
- address skills shortages in the EU.
- Legal Migration Pathways – despite these objectives, EU Talent Partnerships do not, in themselves, facilitate legal migration. The case study offers a broader examination of the EU’s legal migration framework in the context of labour and skilling. This case study demonstrates that the EU has not facilitated the PCD objectives convincingly in the framework for legal migration. Why is this the case?
- In the drafting, PCD objectives received limited attention. To address this gap, impact assessments should better engage PCD objectives.
- Policy documents talk of a triple win, serving the countries of origin, the EU and the people involved. Yet, this triple win is not translated into clear and binding EU legal norms on ethical recruitment standards that, for instance, stop recruiting from countries that face brain drain. To address this, the EU should establish standards that align with Policy Coherence for Development (PCD). Additionally, the impact of circular mobility schemes on countries of origin remains largely unknown due to a lack of data on their outcomes. Therefore, the EU should prioritize collecting comprehensive data to better assess the effects of these instruments.
- On the Selected Countries – the case study reveals that the European Commission selects partner countries for Talent Partnerships primarily based on their utility to the EU in migration management, rather than for development objectives or suitability as human resource partners. To ensure PCD, the selection process must be transparent and guided by PCD principles, prioritizing the benefits for individuals and their countries of origin and placing development objectives at the forefront of project design. The EU’s recently-launched Talent Partnership with Pakistan allocated just €3 million from the development budget, an amount likely to support only two or three projects and benefit a few hundred individuals through training and potential mobility. Talent Partnerships often serve as incentives within broader migration management deals. A true PCD approach, however, requires prioritizing training and skilling initiatives over migration management objectives.
- Skilling for Labour Market Needs – this case study highlights that Talent Partnerships should align not only with EU legal migration and development policies but also with educational and industrial policies. Achieving this requires a whole-of-society approach, extending beyond EU policies to engage migrant workers, the private sector, and educational institutions both within the EU and in partner countries.
Given the EU’s demographic decline and ongoing major transitions, collaboration between the EU and developing countries is essential. Together, they should focus on cultivating the skills and talent needed to build a sustainable and shared future. Three Horizon Europe research projects are currently examining these issues; in her address, Prof. De Lange highlighted the funding of our GS4S project as an encouraging initiative towards achieving PCD-driven talent partnerships. Read her full case-study and the EPRS report here. View the Committee of Development’s proceedings on the GS4S YouTube Channel here.
Strengthening EU Integration and Labor Market Stability
Addressing the Dutch Parliament’s Committee on European Affairs during a roundtable on EU enlargement, Prof. de Lange emphasized the need for a forward-thinking approach, advocating for transitional arrangements as was accomplished in past enlargement phases and labor market integration processes to minimizing disruptions. She highlighted the importance of phased-in freedoms and reskilling initiatives to equip new EU workers to contribute effectively to economic growth. Her remarks also underscored the shared interests of The Netherlands with other EU Member States in addressing labor shortages and improving conditions for workers. By investing in these areas, the EU labor market can remain robust while fostering mutual prosperity.
Read the full text of the Roundtable dialogue here.