Global Strategy for Skills, Migration, Development, also known as GS4S, is a 36-month Horizon Europe-funded project aimed at co-creating a global strategy to address skills shortages in Digital, the Care and Construction sectors as well as offer recommendations for alternatives to migration.

Several iconic representations make up the GS4S visual identity that guided the development of the various elements of the strategy:


  • each puzzle piece symbolizes a crucial aspects of creating a global strategy, effectively conveying the complexity, interconnectedness and urgency of related issues. Thus, GS4S activities reflect the concept of collaboration and integration among stakeholders while also encouraging active engagement and problem-solving among policymakers.
  • the GS4S project is centric towards skilling/re-skilling/up-skilling that will help migrants develop the necessary abilities to successfully integrate into the project’s focused job markets.
  • the GS4S icon serves as a powerful symbol of metamorphosis and transformation, representing the journey of migrant workers as they evolve and develop in their personal and professional capacities, symbolizing the culmination of efforts in skills development, and embodying transformation from a state of potential to one of achievement and success.


What skilled migration schemes or alternatives do businesses prefer to address their skilled labour shortages and what types of public/private partnerships are needed to facilitate addressing the Future of Work in the Digital, Care, and Construction Sectors in a sustainable way? The following resources, currently under development, will seek to answer these questions.


GS4S podcasts delve into the interconnectedness of skills, migration and development from different stakeholder perspectives. Hosted by GS4S partners, 6-8 podcasts are planned for the 36-month project. Debut in 2025



GS4S Policy Briefs will serve as a succinct medium to reach multi-level governance and public policy actors, who will also be engaged via webinars, Policy Lab roundtables and workshops. Involving the private sector as well as migrant advocates in the research from the beginning allows us to establish a complete network of stakeholders.


GS4S newsletters will be designed to inform, educate, engage, and mobilise stakeholders and policymakers towards collective action and positive change in the areas of skills, migration, and development.

GS4S Working Paper Series with explanatory infographics convey new knowledge that set the parameters for an ambitious yet needed and exploitable framework for a sustainable Future of Work in targeted sectors: Digital, Care Industry, Construction.



& Analysis

Data collection and analysis will result in various data formats, including videos, audio files, infographics, and spreadsheets.



Digital tools will enhance decision-making for policymakers and an interactive dashboard will help demonstrate the extent of skill waste across EU countries.

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